Teen Binge Drinking, Misuse of Opioid Medications Linked to Other Risky Behaviors

An article published by Reuters highlights two new studies from Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, that report a close association between adolescent substance use and other risky behaviors.

Compared to their non-using peers, high school students who reported lifetime misuse of prescription opioids were significantly more likely to have engaged in all 22 risky behaviors examined by researchers:

A screenshot from the Pediatrics video abstract showing lifetime misuse of opioids was strongly associated with lifetime use of other substances.

A screenshot from the Pediatrics video abstract showing lifetime misuse of opioids was strongly associated with lifetime use of other substances.

In the second study, researchers showed that binge drinking in 12th grade is a robust predictor of early adulthood driving while impaired (DWI), riding with an impaired driver (RWI), blackout, extreme binge drinking, and risky driving. Authors conclude, “Our study suggests that ongoing parental practices could be protective against DWI, RWI, and blackouts once adolescents transition from high school into early adulthood. Prevention programs that incorporate binge drinking-focused screening and bolster parental practices may reduce the likelihood of later major alcohol-related health-risk behaviors and consequences in emerging adults.”

These findings complement those of IBH’s own studies about adolescent substance use behaviors and defining as a new health standard for youth prevention as One Choice.


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